challenge accepted

Hi friends,

We are wrapping up a 31 Day challenge toward a peaceful home. This challenge was born much like any other thing I share on Instagram. I was having a moment where I felt like some fine-tuning was in order in my own home, and everything is better with community. I came up with a list of categories that I knew were (or had once been) pain points for me. I definitely learn a few things along the way. Here are some thoughts I have after nearly completing the challenge:

  1. A good system is a “good system” if it stays tidy. Period. If we find ourselves constantly having to re-do a drawer, cabinet, area and so forth, then we haven’t landed on a good system.

  2. Refrain from purchasing organizing products that you come across while thrifting or find on clearance. I have been bitten by this for the last time! Haha! In other words, just because something is a “good deal” doesn’t mean you need it. Throughout the challenge, I noticed that any area that included force-fit product did not stay tidy to my standard. However, any area where product was purchased intentionally for that space and measured ahead of time…IT STAYED! And guess what? I ended up getting rid of the clearance or thrifted product. So is it really a good deal? I think not.

  3. Measure, measure, measure! This is just so helpful! Have measurements on hand while shopping. Measure before ordering. Think about filling all the space and don’t forget to use the vertical area.

  4. Everyone and every home is different. I loved seeing all the before and after photos from those who participated in the challenge. I appreciate you sharing so much! I think it helps everyone see a variety.

  5. It’s easier to manage less. When we have too much stuff, it’s overwhelming to manage it all. Pair down. Pair down. Pair down.

  6. BONUS : EVERYTHING is better when we’re together and you all LOVE challenges. I have a couple of ideas for upcoming group challenges, so we will definitely be doing more.

Check my highlight bubble over on Instagram for all of the 31-day challenge!

May Peace Abide in Your Heart and Home,



Summer Citrus SimmeR pot


5 peace-giving kitchen tips